

物流 is essential to the success of any product-交付 organization. 对于一个公司来说,尽可能迅速和经济地交货是可取的. This is the role of a third-party logistics (3PL) brokerage.

第三方物流经纪公司在企业和第三方物流供应商之间建立联系. Using these services allows businesses to save time and money. 本质上, 第三方物流公司协助企业确定最佳物流供应商.

相对, a third-party logistics (3PL) provider is very different from a freight broker, 不止一种方式.  第三方物流可以为紧急运输问题提供比经纪人更快、更可靠的解决方案, as well as access to a network of high-quality carriers. 了解第三方物流经纪服务和货运经纪人之间的区别可以帮助您在需要加急运输时做出明智的决定.

通过他们的常规运输流程,确保货物按时交付可能是一件困难的事情. It would be worthwhile to review the basics of a 第三方物流经纪 so you know where to turn to have more confidence in your logistics plan.



What is a Freight Broker

A freight broker functions as an intermediary between shippers and carriers. Instead of assuming ownership, the broker facilitates communication between the shipper and the carrier. 他们确保承运人和托运人之间的交接顺利进行,货物安全准时到达.

Freight brokers use their experience to shorten 交付 times, 防止伤害, and enhance the efficiency of your supply chain. Because they combine the freight volumes of all the shippers they work with, these brokers are able to negotiate reduced rates, which they pass on to their customers.

货运经纪人为托运人提供从a点到B点的单一联系点,同时将货物运送到最终目的地. Dealing with a broker eliminates the cumbersome task of negotiating with a carrier, 建立路线, 跟踪货运. 航空公司喜欢与货运经纪人合作,以优化他们的路线,减少无谓的里程, so increasing their earnings in a shorter period of time.

For some businesses, a freight broker may be perfect. 对其他人来说,缺乏实际参与可能是具有挑战性的,不符合他们的需求. 这是你的团队在充分了解你的所有选择后需要做出的决定.

This leads us to the need to understand what a 第三方物流公司 is and how they function as a 第三方物流经纪.

What are Third-Party 物流 (3PL) Services

A third-party logistics company helps businesses manage transportation services. Their responsibilities include shipping and storing products properly. 

In addition to vital freight brokerage services such as dispatch, 加载, 交通, 卸货, 交付, and progress updates via phone or email, 经验丰富的第三方物流经纪公司通常可以提供一个庞大的合格和信誉良好的承运人网络. 

这就要求第三方物流经纪公司成为货运经纪的一站式商店,并将整个团队奉献给处理服务和随叫随到的托运人. Working with a 第三方物流经纪 will allow you to devote more time to your business.

So, 什么是第三方物流经纪公司?


第三方物流经纪公司利用一个庞大的持久业务关系网络,以较低的价格获得承运人. 除了匹配您的货物与最具成本效益和效率的托运人, 他们可以减少你的运输费用,减轻你的责任,如账单, 负荷跟踪, 培训, 技术, 合规, and all the moving parts that transportation requires.

在这个过程中, 3PL brokers consider optimal routing, 材料处理, 调度, 成本, 合规, 以及所有其他将产品以最安全的方式运送到目的地的方面, 最省钱的, and most efficient manner possible.

How a 3PL Brokerage Can Help

与第三方物流经纪公司打交道可以大大节省企业的间接成本. 第三方物流已经与物流行业的大量组织建立了合作伙伴关系,并且通常进行大量交易. 这意味着第三方物流公司可以经常谈判节省,你的企业将无法获得自己.

There are several specific benefits of using a 第三方物流经纪, so it’s worth considering some of the most meaningful;

  • 一个快速和乐于接受的支持人员,提出适当的问题,并确保答案.
  • Capability to support businesses of all sizes across a broad spectrum of industries
  • Qualified network of reputable, high-quality, nationwide carriers
  • Understanding of product-specific regulatory, safety, and security needs
  • A history of dependable communication between carriers and customers
  • Support for FTL, LTL, expedited, bulk, and other shipping modes
  • Expert problem-solving and continual tracking, reporting, and updates

正如您所看到的,有很多理由考虑与成熟的第三方物流经纪公司合作. While there are many great reasons to work with a third-party logistics company, 探索这种伙伴关系可能带来的一些最大好处和挑战将是有益的.

Top Benefits of Using a 3PL Brokerage

虽然与第三方物流合作的原因有很多,但有些原因似乎比其他原因更有益. Here are some of the most important reasons.


Many businesses outsource their logistics simply to save money. When you consider the 成本s of equipment, 人力资源, coordination with other departments, 保险, and other surprise 成本s, it starts to make more sense why outsourcing logistics responsibilities is so common.


第三方物流经纪公司是运输、仓储和车队管理方面的专家. 专业的第三方物流经纪公司需要跟上最新的物流发展和趋势,所以你不必.

Efficiency and Optimization

A 第三方物流经纪 works diligently to strengthen the supply chains of its customers. Their goal is for things to flow smoothly. 第三方物流公司通过将创新功能整合到最后一英里交付解决方案中,寻找节省进货成本和简化流程的方法.

Top Challenges of Using a 3PL Brokerage

Just as there are several reasons you should consider working with a 第三方物流经纪, there are some reasons to consider not doing so. Here are a few worth discussing.


Using a third-party logistics provider can initially be expensive. 从您当前的物流战略过渡到第三方物流经纪需要时间和步骤,这可能包括超出您当前支出的额外成本. These 成本s are temporary, 然而, 一旦进行了更改,您通常会开始看到持续的成本节约.


一段时间后,许多企业无法完成任务,没有他们的第三方物流的帮助. For example, businesses utilizing 3PLs are unable to control their carrier network. Several of them have no experience 调度 trucks. 如果你期望有一天你会想要离开与第三方物流经纪公司合作, you may want to rethink this decision.

Getting Started with a 3PL Brokerage

选择一个新的物流供应商是一个至关重要的决定,可以对您公司的底线产生持久的影响. While meeting with a 第三方物流经纪, 记住本文中讨论的要点将帮助您做出正确的选择.

区分一个体面的第三方物流和一个梦幻般的第三方物流是他们如何与你讨论你的需求. The majority of 3PLs can connect you with dependable carriers at a reasonable 成本. 然而,, 并不是所有的运营商都能够帮助您解决由意外挑战引起的供应链问题,或者不断寻求提高运营的方法. 唯心主义地, your logistics partner will meet with you on a frequent basis, 提供评论, and establish objectives for future enhancements.

买球赛用什么app和网站 has been trusted as a reliable 第三方物流经纪 for decades. In addition to our own fleet of trucks at 买球赛用什么app和网站, 我们的第三方物流经纪服务使我们能够通过庞大的合作伙伴网络,专注于您在整个北美的供应链解决方案和运输服务需求. We accomplish this by utilizing our ties with additional carriers. Via this partner arrangement, 墨菲 works as a 500-truck fleet, providing you with committed equipment at the greatest price whenever you require it. 我们通过不断评估承运人的表现和道路安全来保持对这些货物的参与.

To learn more about how 买球赛用什么app和网站 can provide you with the best 3PL services, 只需请求咨询与我们的团队使用下面的链接之一或直接打电话给我们.